Request for possible employment

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Thank you for taking the time to complete this form. Please note that this is not a job application.
The questions in red bold lettering are required and you must provide that information.

First Name Last Name
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
City State
Zip Email
Day Phone Evening Phone
example: (301)123-4567 ext.1234 example: (301)123-4567 ext.1234
Best time to call
How did you learn about us?

Have you been employed by an Autism Waiver Provider? Yes

Have you been employed by a DDA Provider? Yes

When Can You Start?

How far can you commute to work? 5 miles
10 miles
15 miles
20 miles or more

What days and times are you interested in working?

What position(s) are you applying for?
Check all that apply.
Family Consultant
Program Manager
Intensive Individual Support Technician
Respite Care Worker
Adult Life Planner
Therapeutic Integration Technician

What is the highest level of education? GED
High school diploma
Some college
AA Degree
BA Degree
BS Degree
Some Graduate School
Masters Degree
Doctoral Degree

If you have a Masters or PhD, what is your field?
Check all that apply.
Child Studies
Social Work
Occupational Therapy
Speech/Language Pathologist
Other, please specify:

Do you have professional certifications?
Check all that apply.
Special Educator
Speech Therapist
Behavioral Analyst
Other, please specify:

Do you have professional licensures?
Check all that apply.
Social Worker
Nurse Psychotherapist
Speech Therapist
Professional Counselor
Marriage and Family Therapist
Occupational Therapist

What time frame best describes your total amount of experience supporting/serving children/teens with autism? CHOOSE ONE...and be sure the length of time of your experience can be documented. No experience
Less than 3 months
3 to 6 months
7 to 9 months
10 to 12 months
1 to 2 years
3 to 4 years
5 to 9 years
10+ years

Which category(s) best describes your current or past experience involving individuals with Autism or Developmental Disabilities (Click all that apply)

If you have a
“special skills” certificate,
What is it?
Check all that apply.
First Aid
Infection Control
Medication Administration
Training in Seizure Management
Behavior Principles and Strategies
Managing Difficult Behaviors
Other, please specify

Check any trainings that you were required to complete if you were employed by a DDA provider Check all that apply.
Other, please specify

In what areas, if any, have you served individuals with autism?
Check all that apply.
Life Experience
Day Care
Other Autism Waiver Provider
Home-Based Autism Program
Paraprofessional in school-based program
Professional in school-based program
Center-based program
Private school setting
Public school setting
Job Coaching program
Other, please specify

What were/are the ages of individuals with autism you have provided services to? Check all that apply. 5-8 yrs old
9-12 yrs old
13-15 yrs old
16-18 yrs old
19-21 yrs old
22-30 yrs old
31-45 yrs old
46-60 yrs old
Over 61 yrs old

What were/are the ages of individuals in general you have provided services to? Check all that apply. 5-8 yrs old
9-12 yrs old
13-15 yrs old
16-18 yrs old
19-21 yrs old
22-30 yrs old
31-45 yrs old
46-60 yrs old
Over 61 yrs old

What special skills for autism programming have you received training in? Sign Language
Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)
Augmentative Communication
Music Therapy
Adaptive Physical Education
Art Therapy
Movement Therapy
Discrete Trials
Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA)
Verbal Behavior (ABBLS)
Natural Environment Learning (NET)
Use of a Behavior Intervention Plan
The TEACCH Program
Not Sure
Other, Please specify:

Tell us about yourself and explain why you believe you would be an asset to The Whole Self Center.